
Dinel Design Inc


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Jacques Dinel, the founder of Dinel Design, is a renowned figure in the world of luxury architecture and interior design. With a distinct artistry and a keen eye for exquisite style, Jacques has the unique ability to turn his clients’ desires and dreams into reality.

Having lived and worked in major design capitals such as London, Paris, Rome, and New York, Jacques has developed a refined sense of design influenced by his experiences in these iconic cities. Based in Toronto, Dinel Design specializes in high-end estate development, as well as commercial and corporate projects.

Jacques believes that a well-designed space begins with a solid understanding of the client’s needs and expectations. He curates and lives by the notion that proportions, colors, and materials hold great importance in creating a space that not only looks visually stunning, but also triggers a range of emotions. He believes that the collaboration of each element sets the tone of a space and reflects the essence and personality of the individual he works with.

Dinel Design’s creations and work are a reflection of Jacques’ commitment to exceeding his clients’ design needs and expectations. With a focus on curating unique and personalized spaces, Jacques ensures that every environment developed by his team not only meets his clients’ design requirements but also dramatically exceeds their expectations. His attention to detail, artistic vision, and dedication to understanding his clients’ desires make Dinel Design an exclusive firm that delivers exceptional results in luxury architecture and interior design.
