
Tanya Stroedel Family Law


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Tanya is a family law specialist who focuses solely on family law issues. Her areas of expertise include child and spousal support, custody and access, property division, divorce, and separation.

Tanya understands that family matters can be overwhelming and complicated. She strives to provide transparent and accessible services, avoiding unnecessary costs, delays, and conflicts. Tanya develops strategies with her clients that are both financially and emotionally viable, whether that involves aggressive litigation or complex settlement solutions.

Tanya strongly believes that the family legal system should be accessible to all, regardless of their financial situation. To this end, she works with Legal Aid Ontario and JusticeNet to provide legal assistance to those who may not have access to it otherwise.

Tanya’s legal services cover various family law matters, including child custody and access, spousal and child support, property division, divorce and separation, and agreements related to cohabitation and marriage.
